Packing considerations

Jetstar luggage allowance
  • carry-on (for each person) 7kg both ways
  • checked-in (for 8 people) 80kg there, 100kg back 

Spaces in rental cars


  • 5 -17 degrees Celsius
  • Cloudy, moderate rain for most of it
  • Last day (Sat 7 May) might be sunny

  • lots of driving
  • lots of walking along beaches, caves, mountains, museums (city)
  • hanging together at home: cooking, at night, rainy days
  • exposure to cold and rain

  • Every accomodation has a washer
  • The non-Hobart accomodation has dryers
  • The Hobart accomodation has a dryer in commercial laundromat 4 min away. 
  • The Lost Sock Laundrette, 7 Percy St, Bellerive. Dryer costs $4, operates on $1 and $2. Coin changer not provided. 

To Bring
  • gold coins
  • headphones, entertainment device
  • thermals, gloves, beanie, scarf
  • daypack
  • Identification for the flights, drivers licenses
  • 3 sets of clothes: One set to wear, one set to wash, one set spare
  • School work / home work for the week
  • Proof of COVID vaccinations

Packing Tips
  • Balance the cold weather gear with weight and space restrictions. 
  • Airlines make a fuss about the size and weight of your bags, but not on what you wear
    • Wear your bulky warm clothes on the flight
    • Carry heavy things in your pockets
  • Compression/vacuum bags can help reduce space, but not weight
  • Plan on washing clothes daily
  • No need to pack "just in case" stuff, Tasmania has some well-rated second hand shops.
  • Take photos/scan pages you might need, instead of bringing whole textbook or find ebook.
  • Decant / pack only 9 days worth of toiletries / medications
  • If you're not particular about toiletries, we can buy in Tasmania and share toothpaste, soap, shampoo, sunscreen, etc. 
  • Ben has to bring a work laptop, and it can be used by everyone for general stuff. If special programs or apps are needed, he needs to get it approved through IT department in advance.
  • Some accomodation warn us that wifi may not be great. Download music, books, movies, Check-in TAS app at home